Praise be to God, for His blessings and grace, so that INNER City activities (activities for urban communities) in collaboration between the Territorial Women's Department and the Bala Keselamatan Corps 1 Bandung Church and RW 04 and 06, Braga Village, Sumur Bandung District, can run very well. The opening of the Bala Keselamatan Collaboration with RW 04 and 06, Braga Village, Sumur Bandung District, was held at the Mandala Wangsit Museum Hall on November 14, 2023....
The opening of the Bala Keselamatan Collaboration activity with RW 04 and 06, Braga Village, Sumur Bandung Subdistrict, was held at the Mandala Wangsit Museum Hall on November 14, 2023. This activity was attended by Bala Keselamatan Territorial Women Service Leaders, Heads of Eksi 04 and 06, and invited guests. The event was opened directly by Mrs. Commissioner Widiawati Tampai, Leader of the Territorial Women's Service of the Salvation Army.
The activities carried out are as follows:
Nutrition Recipients: This activity aims to improve the nutrition of toddlers and children, through milk distribution in RW 04 and 06, Braga Village. Beneficiaries reached 100 people, who routinely received milk starting from November 14, 2023. Distribution is carried out every month at RW 04 and 06 halls, which are directly monitored by a team from Bala Keselamatan, RW 04 and 06 administrators.
Salted Egg Training: Salted egg making training was attended by 35 participants from RW 04 and 06, the majority of whom were housewives. This training was held at the RW04 Hall on November 21, 2023. Salted egg products from this training, began to be sold at local stalls and received a fairly good response from consumers.
Soap making training: This training was attended by 37 people and taught how to make soap from coconut oil. This training was held at the RW 04 Hall, on December 5, 2023. Residents were given an understanding of the method of making soap through melting the fat phase and preparing water to dissolve sucrose and glycerin. These two phases react with an alcoholic solution of caustic soda under controlled heating. Once the reaction is complete, the soap is ready for color and fragrance. It is then poured into molds and allowed to harden before packaging.
Music training: A total of 9 people participated in this music training, which focused on guitar skills. The training was held at the Bala Keselamatan Hall and lasted for 6 sessions starting from May 8-30, 2024. This activity aims to provide entertainment and career opportunities for young people who have an interest in music. Some participants have successfully performed in local events.
Digital Marketing and Photo Editing Training: This training was attended by 20 RW06 residents, focusing on how to use social media to market local products. About marketing strategies, the use of platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, and how to increase participation in online sales. The training lasted for 4 sessions, which were held from May 10-31, 2024 at the RW 04 Hall.
Barista Training: This training was held on May 7, 2024 at the RW 06 hall, which was attended by 20 participants. Wartga was taught basic barista skills, from how to brew good coffee, recognize the genius of coffee beans, to how to serve interesting coffee. And how to make Thai Tea, Thai Grean Tea and Smoothies drinks.
Contemporary Food Training: Training on making contemporary food, such as Chicken Katsu, Roti Kebab, Banana Roll Roti, and other popular snacks. This activity was carried out on May 14, 2024 at the RW 06 hall, and was given complete Barista equipment assistance with business capital of Rp. 10,000,000 to open a PKK coffee shop in the Cijapundung market.
The following are some of the benefits and impacts of the training that has been provided:
- Improving skills in various trainings, such as digital marketing, barista, and making contemporary food opens up new business opportunities for residents, especially local MSMEs.
- Developing an Independent Business, through business capital assistance and Barista equipment, established a PKK group coffee shop at Cikapundung Market. It is now a source of regular income for residents.
- Increased Income, Trainings such as salted egg making, soap from coconut oil, andikian food help residents produce saleable products with added value. These products have begun to be marketed around the neighborhood and local markets, providing additional income for the families of the trainees.
By : Women's Department