About Us
Early history of the Salvation Army ministry - The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army ministry began in 1865 in the East London area with outreach to communities left out of the industrial revolution that was sweeping Britain. William and Catherine Booth along with 1000 volunteers and evangelists who called their ministry “The Christian Mission” tirelessly helped the abandoned and poor who were homeless and jobless, hungry, and completely ignored by their neighbors. Spiritual guidance is also at the heart of the ministry. The gospel is preached at every opportunity. Worship on the streets and in places that were considered inappropriate, was intensified. In the 5-year period between 1881-1885, amidst severe suffering and economic hardship, 250,000 people repented and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
In 1878 the name of the ministry was changed by William Booth to “The Salvation Army”, because selfless service must be carried out with a soul and fighting spirit that is highly disciplined and upright according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The ministry expanded rapidly to France, Switzerland, Germany, America, Canada, Australia, India, South Africa.
Currently, The Salvation Army International Headquarters is located in London, UK, and actively serves in every corner of the world in 134 countries with the same mission: spreading love and hope in Jesus Christ through helping others without discrimination.
The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by love for God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and help others without discrimination.
Bala Keselamatan is a church that embodies the love and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects of its integrated and holistic services based on the motto “Heart to God, Hands outstretched to others”, and is willing to partner for justice and community welfare.
Salvation Army History
In 1894
The Salvation Army in Indonesia was started by two Dutch officers, Staff Captain Jacob Gerrit Brouwer and Ensign Adolf van Emmerik. Both sailed from Amsterdam on the fire ship Soerabaja and arrived in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta on November 24, 1894. This historic date was confirmed as the start of the Salvation Army mission in Indonesia.
In the village of Sapuran, Central Java, the two officers began a simple ministry of teaching farming, reading, and environmental hygiene to the local people. With perseverance and love in line with the mission of Salvation Army, this simple ministry continued to grow and expand. Today, Bala Keselamatan serves the people of Indonesia from the western tip of Nias Island to the eastern tip of Papua through social welfare services, education, health, and Christian spiritual development.

In 2024
Today, the trust and participation of the government and the public continue to help Bala Keselamatan's mission in facing global challenges by strengthening collaboration in various aspects. One of the steps is to expand the service network. So in a journey that has reached 130 years, Bala Keselamatan serves 14 LKSA, 4 LKSLU, 100 elementary to secondary schools, 1 university, 14 clinics, 6 hospitals, 419 churches and spiritual service posts.
Not only that, realizing the problems in this country cannot be done by working alone, under the direction of the Salvation Army International Headquarters in London, UK, the Indonesian Salvation Army together with the Salvation Army in several countries work hand in hand and build collaboration to implement various strategic community projects to address the complexity of the inequality problem.
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