Sumatera Utara Division

The North Sumatra Division Head Office is located at Jln. Sei Kera No. 186, Pandau Hilir, Kec. Medan Perjuangan, Medan City, North Sumatra. The North Sumatra Division Headquarters building was inaugurated on September 4, 2006. This building was funded by the Hong Kong Salvation Army and Society.


“Divisi Sumatera Utara Mandiri Penuh”

Misi :

1. Improving the Quality of Teaching and Spiritual Formation (Spiritual independence)

  • Have a structured and planned Bible teaching program.
  • Corps/church members are actively involved in spiritual formation activities such as communal fasting prayers, Bible studies, and small groups.
  • The quality of preaching and teaching strengthens the faith and spiritual life of the congregation.
  • Discipleship: Winning Souls - Introducing people to Christ, Guiding, Educating and Sending to be witnesses of Christ

2. Socialize on Structure and Management (Administrative Independence)

  • Have a clear and effective organizational structure, including every functioning Local Officer.
  • The decision-making process is transparent and participatory.
  • There is an organized and well-documented system for managing member and financial data.

3. Striving for Financial Independence (Financial Independence)

  • Have diverse and stable sources of income, including member donations, mission funds, and other sources of income.
  • Able to prepare and implement a balanced and transparent budget.

4. Improving Community Service Patterns (Impact of Social Services and Missions)

  • Active in serving the local community and having programs that have a positive social impact.
  • Engage in mission and service activities outside the corps environment.
  • Society recognizes the Corps/Church as a reliable partner in meeting social and spiritual needs.

5. Leadership Development (Leader Development Independence)

  • Have a coaching and training program for Corps leaders and servants.
  • There is a commitment to identifying, developing, and supporting new talent within the congregation to become local officers.
  • Have a plan to prepare for OS regeneration, over time for key leadership positions as local officers.

6. Improving Infrastructure and Technology (Self-reliance in Physical Infrastructure and Technology)

  • Have adequate facilities for worship, meetings, and other congregational activities.
  • Technology infrastructure such as sound systems, projectors, and digital communications support the Corps' activities well.
  • There is regular planning and maintenance for the Corps' physical and technological infrastructure.


  1. Distrik Medan (7 Korps dan 2 Panti Asuhan)
    • Korps 1 Medan, Korps 2 Medan, Korps Polonia , Korps Pulau Sicanang, Korps Belawan, Korps Paluh Subur, Korps Batam, Panti Asuhan Putra William Boot, Panti Asuhan. Putri Evangeline Booth
  2. Distrik Karo Dairi (3 Korps dan 2 PL)
    • Korps Kabanjahe, Korps Bunuraya, Korps Paningkiran, PL. Aek Nauli, PL. Mahar
  3. Distrik Nias (6 Korps, 4 PL dan 1 Panti Asuhan)
    • Korps Gunung Sitoli, Korps Teluk Dalam, PL. Hilionaha, Korps Simandraulo, Korps Bawomataluo, PL. Orahili, Korps Hilifalago, PL. Hilifarono, Korps Hilimondegeraya, PL. Hilinamozaua, Korps Onohondro, Panti Asuhan Putri Mutiara Kasih
  4. Distrik Simantap (4 Korps)
    • Korps Pematang Siantar, Korps Saribujawa, Korps Samosir, Korps Sibolga


Jumlah Pelayanan


Jumlah Personil Opsir Setempat dan Prajurit


Korps          : 20 Unit

OS Orang Dewasa      : 128 Jiwa

Prajurit Dewasa                      : 1.121 Jiwa


OS Orang Muda        : 119 Jiwa

Rekrut                                       :      89  Jiwa

LKSA           : 03 Unit

Anggota PKW            : 413 Jiwa

Orang bertobat                        :    262  Jiwa


Anggota PKP             : 210 Jiwa

Pengikut                                   :    551  Jiwa

Jumlah Personil

Anggota GPS             : 411 Jiwa

Prajurit Muda                          :    264   Jiwa

Opsir           : 47 Orang

Anggota SM              : 679 Jiwa

Anak Bertobat                         :    138  Jiwa

OMT            : 02 Orang

Anggota Perh. Kasih  : 14   Jiwa

Anak-anak dan bayi                :    816  Jiwa

Personil Kami

Mayor Yohanis Pany
Komandan Divisi
Mayor Yulia Pany
Pemimpin Pelayanan Wanita Divisi
Kapten Bram & Mayor Fitrawati Rupiuwa
Sek. Misi & Pertumbuhan Korps & SBA Divisi
Kapten Kristison & Kapten Nova Palugu
Sekretaris Orang Muda dan Anaka Divisi

kontak kami

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